Party membership book of the Social Democratic Party

Hungarian title:

Szociáldemokrata Párt tagsági könyv


Unknown artist


Party membership book (cca. 7 x 15 cm)




Fine. Ink stain on the front cover.


Paper, letterpress.

Price: US$240


Party membership book of the Social Democratic Party Original Hungarian political material from 1947.

Party membership book of the Social Democratic Party. The owner of the book was Eszter Bagocsi. The Hungarian Social Democratic Party (MSZDP) was established in 1890. It merged with the Hungarian Communist Party in 1948. Inside the book stamps approve the validity of the membership in a monthly pattern. The stamps are different in the years 1947 and 1948 due to the unification of the parties. Prior to '48, the stamp display Mihály Biro's famous Red hammer wielding man that became a leftist political symbol. It is also apparent on the stamp on the front cover. After merging with the Communist Party, the Social Democratic Party was renamed to the Hungarian Working People's Party(Magyar Dolgozók Pártja - MDP), hence the stamps have the MDP signature on them: the Hungarian tricolor behind MDP and the obligatory red star in the middle.

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