Haranghy Jenő
1894 - 1951

Jeno Haranghy (source: mandadb.hu)
Jeno Haranghy was a decorative painter and graphic artist, active before WW2. He was rather influential as an art teacher.
He designed posters during the First World War for war loans and other governmental campaigns. All of them are very decorative, colorful drawn compositions. Haranghy prefered to use national symbols and figures in folk costumes, in order to highten patriotic feelings.
Later he created several poster designs for commercial and cultural purposes.
His style always remained the graphical Art Noveau, but he never required the same from his students. The influence of the German poster style (Plakatstil) is visible on some of his later designs from the 1920's .
Besides posters he designed other graphic works (illustrations and ex librises), and he composed mural paintings, such as the tympanum fresco of the Kunsthalle (Műcsarnok) in Budapest. .