Vadász Miklós
1881 - 1927
Miklós Vadász was a painter, graphic designer and illustrator.
He studied at the School of Applied Art in the early years of the 20th century. He soon started to work as illustrator for newspapers and as poster designer as well. He published caricaturistic drawings in a humorous paper, called Borsszem Jankó.
He designed Art Nouveau commercial posters for companies, like Adria, and was also active in the field of movie poster design. He showed the popular, drawing based Art Nouveau style on his movie and theatre posters (similar to Földes’ and Sátori’s style). Some other designs by him show a more painting-like manner. For example his compositions for the journal Est are often very detailed, painted compositions with well chosen colors.
He worked as a painter during the First World War on the fronts, but he also designed some posters. On his poster for the Est newspaper he depicted resting soldiers next to a campfire - a very idillic composition. In 1918 he designed the poster for the popular marine exhibition, which raised the attention towards the homeland's fleet. After the war he moved to Paris. .