Byssz Róbert
1899 - 1961

Robert Byssz
Robert Byssz was an autodidact graphic designer, newspaper illustrator and caricaturist. He was working for the “Est” newspaper company. He was also a charicaturist, designing the first sport-charicatures (for example a series of the 1933 Olympics). His charicatures appeared at the major comic magazine of the time, called Ludas Matyi.
Byssz was influenced by modernist poster design, but his works from the 1920’s and 1930’s are closer to Art Deco. His posters show his confident drawing skill.
He was fond of film industry and theatre, for a while he was press chief of the Magyar Filmvállalat (Hungarian Press Company). He was often working on illustrations for newspapers and magazines, after the WW2, he became image editor at a major magazine, the Színházi Élet (Theatre Life). He also designed many great book covers.