Töreky Ferenc
1922 - 2016

Ferenc Toreky (source: origo.hu)
Ferenc Töreky was a graphic designer and painter. His masters were György Konecsni, Jenő Barcsay, Gyula Hincz and Károly Koffán in the early 1950s.
He designed posters, book illustrations, calendars, and glass paintings as well as decorated hotels. He also worked on exhibition designs. He got commissions from MAHIR (Hungarian Advertiser), the central organization for advertising.
He became teacher of visual communication at the Technical University. In the 1950s he designed expressive posters, such as the one for Kurosava’s famous movie, Rashomon. He designed the Hungarian poster for Fellini’s La Strada.
In the early 1960s he - among other artists - implemented contrasted photo and the expressive photomontage. His masterpiece in this style is the poster for Ingmar Bergman’s Wild Strawberries, but he also applied several different techniques. .