Soyuz 36 - Interkosmos Soviet-Hungarian mission
Hungarian title:
Szojuz-36 - Interkozmosz szovjet-magyar űrprogram
Unknown artist
B1 (cca. 100 x 70 cm)
Fine, fold marks, creases and smaller tears along the border.
Paper, offset lithography.
Price: US$600
Soyuz 36 (Russian: Союз 36, Union 36) was a 1980 Soviet manned space flight to the Salyut 6 space station. It was the 11th mission to and ninth successful docking at the orbiting facility. The Soyuz 36 crew were the first to visit the long-duration Soyuz 35 resident crew. Soyuz 36 carried Valery Kubasov and Bertalan Farkas, the first Hungarian cosmonaut, into space. They swapped Soyuz craft with the long-duration crew and returned to earth in Soyuz 35; a later crew used their craft to return to Earth. Soyuz 36 was launched on 26 May 1980 with Valery Kubasov and Hungarian cosmonaut Bertalan Farkas, headed to the Salyut 6 space station where Leonid Popov and Valery Ryumin, launched aboard Soyuz 35, were resident. The flight was originally scheduled for 5 June 1979, but was cancelled due to the Soyuz 33 failure. They successfully docked at the aft port the day after launching. The flight was the fifth Intercosmos flight whereby guest cosmonauts from Soviet allied nations would visit the space station, typically for about a week. The flight was only the second time a Soviet mission had a civilian commander. (source: wikipedia.org)
The pantining like poster has a symbolic meaning. The strong hands are shaking referring to the Soviet Hungarian unity both in terms of the space mission and politics. They serve as the port for the space craft, and implies that the strong unity has the power to create such significant missions as the Soyuz 36.