Mayer Gyula
1942 - 2002
Graphic designer who was mostly active as a poster designer during the 1960s - 1980s.
Mayer was an outstanding illustrator working for several journals in the second half of the 1960s. Some of these journals were: Néplap (Szolnok), Rádió Tv Újság, Ludas Matyi, Magyar Ifjúság, Vas Népe, Kisalföld, Dolgozók Lapja, Rakéta, Élet és Irodalom, Hajrá Dózsa, Groteszk, Ifjúsági Magazin, Pajtás. He was known mostly for his humorous illustrations of Ludas Matyi (Matt the Goose-boy).
After this time, he left for Leipzig (Germany) to study graphics. When coming home, he seldom designed illustrations, he was rather working on posters. He created film and commercial posters mostly, but he also designed logos, for instance for the most prestigious department store at that time, Skála. .