Dux swimsuits and knitwear - The leading brand!

Hungarian title:

Dux fürdőtrikó és finom kötöttáru vezet!


Schneider, Jenő


Pre-war 1/4 Sheet (cca. 48 x 31 cm)




Fine, light fold marks, small stains, tiny tears at the bottom.


Paper, stone lithography.

Price: US$6000


Decorative Art Deco poster from one of the golden ages of poster design. It was designed for a Hungarian fashion company of the period, called 'Dux'.

There are only basic colours in the composition: blue, yellow and red, combined with white. The typography and the coloured plain forms in the background are typical of modernist poster style, which was inspired by the German Bauhaus among others.

Modernism was one of the most important trend in Hungarian poster design of the period. The modernist revolution started in 1926, when the former emigrant, Bortnyik, Kassák and Berény returned to Budapest. István Irsai joined in 1929, and these four artists were the most important members of the first generation of modernist-constructivist commercial design.
The other important trend was Art Deco, and there were many artists who designed countless amazing posters, but the most important ones were Tibor Réz-Diamant, József Bottlik and Aladár Richter Jr. This poster is a good example of the mixture of Modernism and Art Deco: although the typographic design and the whole composition is characterised by Modernism, the portrayal of the female figure is influenced by Art Deco, as it is decoratively delicate, drawn with graceful lines.


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