"The 60 years old Pest News gives a jubilee discount for the book The Thousand Years Old Hungary." One sheet, printed on both sides, probably was four sheets but it is torn. Decorative advertisement. The book "The Thousand Years Old Hungary" celebrated the re-annexation of the Felvidék (Upper Lands) after the Vienna Award.
Decorative Art Nouveau brochure of four pages for the lexicon of Pest News. The brochure is printed on both sides and once folded.
The text on the top says that the Pest News offered two discounts for its 60th birthday - two books were available for a very good price. The Pest News was first published in 1838, however, that was the 4th type, that is, it was preceeded by three versions of the journal which did not last long. After several changes in the ownership and other respects, the fourth was the version which could live until 1944. This was the first paper to stand on exclusively business grounds, staying away from politics to attract a wider audience. It was a popular paper among the liberal intellectuals of the time. After a short while it expressed its sympathy with the governing party, but when Kálmán Széll became the prime minister, Pest News shifted to the opposition side. The journal was revolutionary in a sense that this was the first paper where not the editors defined the attitude of the paper but the publisher. It was half a size but twice the number of the pages of the other newspapers of the time, and it was the first one where advertisments were published.
The brochure has the books on the cover which was published by the Pest News. According to the poster the books were 1200 pages long and the picture is the life-sized image of them. On the other side there is a description of the millenial Hungary and some extracts from the book The design is a beautiful Art Nouveau piece.