International Spring Art Exhibition
Hungarian title:
Az Országos Magyar Képzőművészeti Társulat Tavaszi Nemzetközi Kiállítása az új Műcsarnokban
Pre-war 1 Sheet (cca. 95 x 63 cm)
Fine, restored paper loss, fold marks and tears. Ink writing on the face. Backed on Japanese paper.
Paper, stone lithography.
Price: US$24000
This famous poster by János Vaszary, with Venus de Milo and the self-portrait of Raffaello in one graphic, was made to advertise the International Spring Exhibition of the Hungarian National Association of Fine Arts in the new Art Gallery in 1899.
Around the turn of the century it was a new phenomenon that posters of artistic exhibitions were made by the exhibiting artists themselves, so these posters reflected their own aspects and artistic approaches, furthermore they were in harmony with the advertised exhibition.
The ouvre of János Vaszary had a period dominated by Art Nouveau from the middle of the 1890s, this time his artistic activity in the field of applied arts is the most intensive: he shapes objects, designs textiles, creates books and posters, and the stylized, decorative portrayal of these works is common with the current painting of Vaszary as well.
Not only the Art Nouveau-styled design, but also the citrine colours of his paintings of the 1890s appear again on the ceremonial poster of the 1899 Spring Exhibition. With the composition of sculpture and painting, and artwork and self-portrait of the creating artist, the concept of art is created on the poster, idealized by romantic concepts of fate and longing for death.
The exhibition posters of János Vaszary in the turn of the century propagate his own symbolic painting, and are also fine pieces of the current poster art with their decoratively stylized portrayal.