Decorative postcard from 1938. Size: 17.5 x 12 cm.
The postcard wishes a happy new year in the name of the Lorilleux and co., which was the very first company in the world to produce printing ink. Itv was established by a printer of the French Royal Printing House, Pierre Lorilleux, in 1818. It was a huge challenge to produce ink suitable for all types of printing. Lorilleux practically had to create a completely new industry, since previously the printing houses themselves produced the ink they were using. Although the business met numerous obstacles at the beginning, Lorilleux was very persistant. He quickly realized that after the French revolution the demand for ink would grow rapidly due to the increased press work and the improvment in printing technique - most printing houses started to use machines which made the process quicker beside consuming more ink. Producing ink needed a more efficient way which required usage of machines as well. Lorilleux was the one who built the first factory for this purpose and after a long perioud of experimenting he developed the best printing ink production techniques. The business quickly became successful, and by 1856 it was ten times bigger than when it was established. By that time the factory was owned by his son, Charles Lorilleux. It was during his management when the company became world famous.
The logo of the Lorilleux company was well-known in Hungary as well. It is apparent on the postcard on the ink jar. It shows a windmill which refers to the very first paint grinding mills. The first Lorilleux factory was built in 1907 in Hungary and it was quickly growing. They were famous of producing the best quality printing ink in a variety of colours. On this postcard the little Schatz, who probably was the character appearing in the company's advertisements, is rising from a jar of paint. The jar has the name and the logo of the company and the details of the ink. Schatz is holding a board on which the text says 'Happy New Year'. The postcard was most probably sent to the customers of the company as a nice gesture.