HAFA Hatschek & Farkas photography and optics winter price list.
The cover of the ephemera was designed by Sándor Bortnyik. Sándor Bortnysik was one of the most important graphic designers and painters of the 20th century. He introduced - alongside Róbert Berény and Lajos Kassák - the modernist constructivist style. Until 1933 he was designing according to the modernist style but in 1933 - the year of this ephemera - he announced the death of constructivism, saying that it became boring. He turned to a more picturesque world.
This cover design is the example of Botnyik's novel period in what his idea was to create longing in the viewer with the image of the advertised product. In this case the depiction of the photographer taking picture of a man in the snow is very atmospheric and sets the audience in the mood of purchasing from Hatschek & Farkas photography and optics..