Impressive exhibition poster using one powerful photomontage by Lajos Kassák. The exhibition was dealing with the collage in Hungarian art from 1920 until 1965, and it took place in the Kassák Museum.
Lajos Kassák was a central figure of the Hungarian avant-garde movement. He was working as a writer, painter, designer, and labour organiser as well. He was also one of the founders of the modernist poster style in Hungary in the 1920s. With his activity he had a huge impact on Hungarian commercial graphic design.
It is unknown who created this poster, but it it sure that he or she chose a work of the perfect figure of Hungarian avant-garde art. The photomontage, which was an avant-garde innovation, is a perfect example of the technique of collage: it serves as an assamblage of several elements in an unexpected way, thus creating a new whole with new possible layers of meaning.