<p>Est was among the most significant newspaper publishing companies in its time. The firm published several papers (Est, Pesti Napló and Magyarország) and from 1923 the subscribers of either of these papers received a calendar-like, popular publication, the Triplet Book by Est. The name derives from the triple function of the book: education, entertainment and directions. </p>
<p>The description of the publication explains that the intended goal was to create a new lexicon type that was completely different from the old, outdated version. It was inevitable to modernize lexicons both in terms of content and in terms of format. Contentwise it aims on focusing on the substantial changes resulting from World War I, while the format was concise yet the descriptions were profound written in an informal manner.</p>
<p>The books contain writings of important Hungarian writers as well as drawings of major artists. This piece from 1930 includes cartoons drawn by one of the greatest Hungarian modernist graphic designers, Sandor Bortnyok. </p>
<p><div class="image">
<img title="Sandor Bortnyik - Az Est harmaskonyve 1930 modernist avant-garde cartoon" alt="Sandor Bortnyik - Az Est harmaskonyve 1930 modernist avant-garde cartoon" src="/system/images/images/000/005/038/original/Sandor_Bortnyik_-_Az_Est_harmaskonyve_1930_modernist_avant-garde_cartoon_3.jpg?1526408857" /><br />
Sandor Bortnyik - Az Est harmaskonyve 1930 modernist avant-garde cartoon
<p><div class="image">
<img title="Sandor Bortnyik - Az Est harmaskonyve 1930 modernist avant-garde cartoon" alt="Sandor Bortnyik - Az Est harmaskonyve 1930 modernist avant-garde cartoon" src="/system/images/images/000/005/039/original/Sandor_Bortnyik_-_Az_Est_harmaskonyve_1930_modernist_avant-garde_cartoon_4.jpg?1526408857" /><br />
Sandor Bortnyik - Az Est harmaskonyve 1930 modernist avant-garde cartoon
<p> </p>