Kayak Canoe is a 1955 vintage Hungarian sport poster designed by Denes Vincze.
Decorative typographical sport poster from the 1950s promoting the Canoeing Championship. The design is very impressive, especially knowing that it was created in the 1950s, the era when poster art was bound to follow the Socialist Realist aesthetic values. This poster clearly did not oblige these rules, and somhow it managed to get through the censorship and was published, like many other works of the author.
The designer of the poster mostly created sport posters and was active in the 1950s and 1960s. As this particular piece proves it, Vincze always had his own delicate style that was easy to recognize even in the years of the Socialist Realist period.
The two drawn figures are dynamic. The sportsmen are rowing in front of the text, that say kayak and canoe in Hungarian. The text is written with the exact same colour as the water's thus becoming an organic part of the composition.