Vilmos Femes Beck (1885 - 1918) was a goldsmith and sculptor, active in the 1900’s and 1910’s. He exhibited his works together with the avant-garde painter group called Nyolcak (The Eight) around 1909-1911.
His poster for the journal Világ (World) reflects the artistic ideas of the painter group and of Fémes-Beck himself. He used a male nude with a torch that symbolized the enlightenment and a new world order.
Fémes Beck was considered to be a great talent of Hungarian art, but he died at the age of 33 because of a disease he caught during the front service in the First World War.
After he travelled througout Europe in the early years of the century, he came home, and joined the art life. He was in close connection with the avant-garde writers and poets of Nyugat journal. His brother, who was also a famous sculptor, Fülöp Beck Ö. In 1913 he took part in an international exhibition in the Művészház, and he published an article about Archipenko.
His poster for the journal Világ (World) reflects the artistic ideas of the painter group The Eight and of Fémes-Beck himself. He used a male nude with a torch that symbolized the enlightenment and a new world order. The figure reflects the artist's interest for the human form and for motion.
The poster was printed in the famous Miklós Biró Printing House.