Avant-garde small photomontage poster designed by Gyorgy Nemes, who used Jozsef Pecsi's photo for the composition. Gyorgy Nemes was one of the most talented and successful pupils of Sándor Bortnyik in his private school, Muhely, which was called the Bauhaus of Budapest. However, Nemes died in an unfortunate accident, and was unable to fully reach his great potential, but the works he made are absolutely fantastic modernist pieces.
Jozsef Pecsi, his collaborator on this work, was a very influential photographer. His famous album, Photo un Publizitat is one of the first books on the subject of photography in advertising. The book features amazingly bold photomontages, and this poster - an actual item of advertising -, was designed with the same principles in mind. It advertises the Biro Miklos Printing Corporation, which has printed a substantial amount of modernist ephemera around 1930.