Original Hungarian vintage poster for a Belgian Modern Fine Art Exhibition held in Budapest Kunsthalle in 1968 designed by Laszlo Katona.
The exhibition showcased the previous 45 years of Belgian fine art, and the the important oeuvres leading up to this period. Among the exhibited and cited artists, were James Ensor, maybe the most prominent individual in modem Belgian painting. An important link in development is the art of Rik Wouters; unfortunately, the exhibition did not exhibit a picture by him. The exhibition features Flemish expressionists with representative material. The history of art is familiar with several varieties of expressionism. The most significant master of the trend is Constant Permeke. Gustave de Smet and Frits van den Berghe, two other excellent representatives of this trend. Works by Edgar Tytgat, Hippolyte Daeye, Jean Brusselmans and Oscar Jespers were also exhibitied among others.