Keep the area under supervision! is a vintage Hungarian Socialist Realist communist propaganda poster from the 1950s. Its designer is unknown.
The poster is a typical propaganda work from the period of Socialist Realism. It's intented to warn railmen to keep the territory of the railway station under control. The design is a simple, illustrative composition, showing two scenes. The upper one depicts a railman standing on the platform next to the train which is arriving to the railroad track, and the lower one depicts the same railman standing in the door-window of the maintenance building, watching another train arriving.
Just like numeruos Socialist Realist works, this design was also aimed to present a good example to be followed by the target audience. Picturing men in uniforms wasn't seldom on these kind of propaganda works. The reason for this is that the political system was keen on emphasizing the importance of hard phisical works because heavy industry played a significant role in the economic plans of the era. The warning character of propaganda works, the disciplined, hard-working, responsible figures of them and the atmosphere of the constant alert is typical of the period.