The Night of a Hot Summer is a 1974 vintage Hungarian movie poster.
This 1973 Czechoslovakian film was directed by Jirí Sequens with Petr Hanicinec, Milos Willig and Renata Dolezelova in the starring roles.
The situation in the Czech borderland of 1947 is not easy. After the transfer of the Sudeten Germans, new inhabitants are moving into villages and towns of the borderland. Some of them have fair intentions; the others want to gain land, property, and power. Just like that it is in the village Potocná. The honest settlers as the mayor Bagár and his wife Zdena, Communist party Secretary Galcík, police officer lieutenant Kalenda, members of a grocery cooperative, workers in a textile factory, and Mariechen - a young daughter of a German anti-fascist Palme - all of them want to get the life back in its peaceful rut. When striving to do so they come across the interests of the Rosmus family - landowners who want to extend their property. (source: imdb.com)