The Medal is a 1983 vintage Hungarian movie poster.
The Medal (original title: Signum Laudis) is a 1980 Czechoslovak war drama film directed by Martin Hollý. It is set during the World War I.
Director: Martin Hollý
Writers: Jirí Krizan (screenplay), Vladimír Kalina (story & screenplay)
Stars: Vlado Müller, Josef Bláha, Ilja Prachar
The film is set on the Eastern Front of World War I. Corporal Hoferik becomes a commander of his unit after the commanding officers are killed. He leads his men to an attack than leads to high casualties. Hoferik and his men are then pulled out to the rear. Hoferik's unit is part of Ziegler's regiment. The regiment is visited by General Berger and his staff. Berger and his staff doesn't know much about life on the front. Berger awards Hoferik Signum Laudis. Hoferik is happy and wants to celebrate with his men but they hate him for his eagerness and fanaticism. They decline. Next day the estate where Hoferik's unit reside surrounded by enemies. Berger orders the regiment to attack but it is decimated. Hoferik's unit and Berger's staff escapes the estate but old General Gross is killed in a fight with enemy. Soldiers are in a hopeless situation and officers want to surrender. Hoferik wants to fight to the last men which leads other officers to hold a court during which is Hoferik accused of Gross' murder and sentenced to death. Hoferik is executed. Officers then order the remaining soldiers to strike the enemy and are all killed. Officers meanwhile surrender to enemy.
(source: wikipedia.org, imdb.com)