Sándor Margit
1927 -
Graphic artist. She finished her studies under György Konecsni and István Köpeczi Bócz at the beginning of the 1950s. She worked as a freelancer graphic designer from the late 1950s.
She mostly created movie posters, but sometimes she designed political propaganda for safety campaigns or for official holidays, such as women’s day. She also designed commercial posters, especially for fashion products. Besides, she created designs for exhibitions and fairs, designed flyers, emblems etc.
She developed a very unique style, influenced by current art tendencies, like Pop Art, Op Art and the modern design style of the 1960s. Her works, where she used strong colors and sharply drawn, floating shapes, appear to be clear Pop Art compositions. Other works by her are built up on the effective contrasts of colors and shapes.
Her most famous poster advertises television: Otthonában a nagyvilág (The whole world is in your home). Her designs prove that she has excellent drawing skills; the fine line drawing often appears on her movie posters (such as Egy szerelem három éjszakája). Typography plays an important role in her works; she either designed calligraphic, pop art styled letters, or she made a constructivist, clear typographic design (like the poster of Budapesti Zenei Hetek). .