Collect it! - October 31 - Savings day is a 1929 vintage Hungarian avant-garde poster, and was created to advertise the World Savings Day, which is held every year on the 31st of October.
The poster was designed by Gyorgy Nemes (1905-1938), who was one of the most promising students, along with his classmate Victor Vasarely, of Sandor Bortnyik in Bortnyik's Muhely ("Workshop"), which was widely recognized at the time as the center of Bauhaus studies in Budapest. Bortnyik started Muhely in 1928, and Nemes became his student. Every year, there was an open competition for the design of that year's Savings Day poster, and in 1929, Nemes, as a young aspiring graphic artist, won. He was 24 years old at that time.
His poster was a huge success in professional circles. The text on the poster says: "Collect it! October 31. Savings Day". The size of the poster is: 61 x 48 cm. It was printed by Athenaeum is Budapest. It was reproduced in Reklamélet ("Advertising life"), one of the important graphic art journals of the time. Gyorgy Nemes was one of the most exciting talents of the second generation of Hungarian modernist graphics artists, but his career was cut short by his early death in 1938.