Painted advertising artwork was created for Mohai Ágnes minderal water, size: cca. 20 x 12 cm.
The spring of Mohai Ágnes is in Hungary in Fejer county next to the Bakony hill in Moha village. The Agnes-spring can be found in the north gate of the 2–4 km long ditch of between the Bakony and the Vertes. The most part of the region is well known of the high ground water level and the known and hiding springs. The first records of the Mohai Ágnes Water were made in 1374. Among the people it was known as ”Áldókut” (Blessing well) nowadays it is called as Ágnes-spring.The first chemical analysis of the water was made in 1810. Other than that, written records were found from 1835, Leipzig and from 1876, Stuttgart. In 1880 the Hungarian Academy of Sciences supported the knowing of the water. (source: wikipedia.com).
The clean design shows the water coming from a well which is decorated with a serpent, the symbol of pharmaneutical and medicinal scence.