Buy your train ticket with an insurance
Hungarian title:
Menetjegyét biztosítással kérje! Utazási baleset - ruha és kézi poggyászkár esetére védelmet nyújt
A1 1 Sheet (cca. 84 x 59 cm)
Very good, light fold marks, staining and small tears along the borders.
Paper, offset lithography.
Price: US$500
The poster promotes travel insurance. According to the slogan, the travel insurance covered accidents during travelling, damages of the luggage incurred during travel.
The clever and decorative poster manages to concisely transfer the message. The homogeneous pastel blue background adds depth to the otherwise plain, flat-like composition. The silhoutte of the train appears at the very bottom of the image. The people who are getting on the train are indicated with white geometric forms. Despite being relatively small, they are striking to the eye, due to the contrasting colours. The major part of the composition is occupied by the smoke coming out from the engine. Inside the smoke the message is written with a simple typography: Ask for an insurance! If one looks at the poster from a distance, the letters seem to be only grey parts of the fume and it is only the text witten with bold black that stands out. On the top, the green train ticket is pictured realistically with the red stamp of ÁB, the insurance company (Állami Biztosító - National Insurance Company). The warmer green colour and the red stamp that is in harmony with the lights of the train make the composition balanced.