Sign a contract for selling goose and duck feathers to the farmers cooperative
Hungarian title:
Kössön tollértékesítési szerződést libára, kacsára a földművesszövetkezetnél
B2 (cca. 70 x 50 cm)
Fine, fold marks, light wear.
Paper, offset lithography.
Price: US$2000
Original Hungarian vintage propaganda poster from 1958 by Gönczi Gebhardt Tibor.
The poster motivates farmers to join the cooperatives. The text says: Sign a contract for selling goose and duck feathers to the farmers cooperative. Advantages: 1. Advance cash for purchasing the the chick and the goose supply. 2. High buying price.
The theme of the poster is a typical example of how the socialist economy worked, however, reality generally did not live up to the promises.
The design shows the versatile style of Hungarian poster art after 1956. Prior to 1956 the socialist-realist style was obligatory, however from the second half of the decade artists had more chance to experiment and allow their talent manifest in the compositions.