Original Hungarian vintage commercial poster from 1960 for a fashion item, the hat.
The composition is based on a smart idea: several hats are piled up, a face is drawn on the top one, and a hand in a leather glove raises yet another hat, thus impersonating the image. The bright yellow background raises attention. Both the typography and the figurative part of the composition are simple, elegant, carefully constructed elements. This elegance of the shapes combined with the playfulness of the bright colours create an interesting contrast, as well as gives an idea about the target audience of the poster.
The subject of the poster might be surprising for today's audience, however, in the socialist times competition was absent on the market as everything was nationalized. However, the socialist government realized that people were longing for western lifestyle, thus the illusion of a busy economy was created with advertisements that weren't promoting brands, but certain types of clothes, or any other goods. However, the advertisements might have been fake from an economic perspective, the artistic quality was on the contrary: many of great, talented artists made their living from designing posters. These artists often managed to truly present their exceptional skills on these graphic designs. The author of this poster is unknown but it was probably done by László Káldor, but it's not signed.