Drinking a smoothie is refreshing and cooling is a 1960 vintage Hungarian commercial advertising gastronomy fruit drink poster designed by Kalmar - photo: Bauer.
Cheerful poster from the 1960s of a soft drink which was called smoothie (turmix in Hungarian). However this drink had not much to do with what we call smoothie today. It was probably based on fruit but did not contain too much real fruit.
The poster has a pretty lady on it drinking smoothie. She is wearing a swim-suit but this is not the only part of the poster which brings a summer atmosphere. The summer fruits behing the girl - apple, pear, cherry. On the bottom there are two glasses containing smoothie and it is apparent that this drink was fizzy. In one of the glasses the logo of the 'Restaurant and buffet company' appears. In the Socialist times when everything was nationalized, hospitality business was in the hands of the aforementioned company.
The artist Kalmár applied a mixed technique: photo and drawing what was common in the 1960s.