Cheerful poster by János Macskássy,created for the lottery. The state lottery was an important part of the country's economy, it was a huge firm that managed all the gambling activities (lottery, toto, etc.) in Hungary.
János Macskássy was frequently working for the lottery, he was a kind of an own art director of the company. He created many posters together with his brother Gyula and with Gyula Fejes. János Macskássy had a certain lovely, cartoon like style that matched to the lottery - after all, it is a game. The young boy with the four leaf clover in his hat was a very popular recurring figure on lottery posters by János Macskássy, he was called Lotto Otto. On this one, the small boy shouts into the giant telephone: Hallo! We have a direct hit!'
Signed 'Macskássy'