Poster for the Rainbow Department Store.
In the 1950s and 60s in the Socialist countries brands and wide selection of goods did not exist. Certain articles had a shop or shops where they could be found. For example food could be bought in the Közért (grocery store) or perfume at the perfumery and clothes at the state department store. This poster advertises the autumn coats.
The atmosphere is very cheerful, the two characters are happily smiling and they are wearing their autumn coats purchased in the Rainbow Department Store. The colours are vivid: in front of a purple background the man is standing in a green jacket holding an umbrella above the woman who is wearing a red coat to protect her from the rain.
The authior of the poster László Káldor designed many advertisments for the Rainbow Department Stores, all of which display the typical style of the artist. A good example is another autumn poster for it. Káldor often designed humorous posters and on the ones for the Rainbow Department Store he always used the man with the mustache also apparent here.