Roltex fabrics and textiles - 20 years is a 1969 vintage Hungarian commercial advertising poster designed by Emoke Simonyi.
Original vintage Hungarian Pop Art advertising poster.
Poster for the 20th anniversary of Roltex company. Roltex company was founded in 1949 and was dealing in small-wears. The company is still existing although it is not as successful as it used to be. During the Socialist times small-wears were much more popular than they are today, due to the simple fact that the variety of the affordable ready-made clothing was very limited, thus women preferred making their own clothing at home if they wanted a style not available in retails. The poster is very decorative and vivid. Two identical ladies with different hair colours are walking with their bags full of goods bought in Roltex. The designer of the piece, Emoke Simonyi, was a member of the artist group Quintett alongside Istvan Bakos, Kalman Molnar, Jozsef Pecsenke and Karoly Schmal. The influence of pop art is clearly visible on the poster: the strong colours (green, yellow, red, pink and blue) and the strong contours.