Vajda Lajos
1922 - 2008
Lajos Vajda was a graphic artist and a painter, who designed numerous posters during the 1960s and 1970s.
He mostly created movie poster designs. Some of his works show the humorous poster style that was very popular during the 1960s; he used funny characters, colorful drawing or paper-cut techniques. He also used other techiques, like overexposed photos or photomontage. This technique appears on his great design for Miklós Jancsó’s movie Égi bárány.
Vajda was frequently commissioned as a poster designer, he made advertisements for numerous commercial companies (like food companies, medications, etc.) and for official or sport events, like the Fencing World Championships in 1959. He was able to work effectively with an inventory of techniques (like expressive painting, line drawing, collage, photomontage, etc.).
He is often confused with the Avant-garde painter, also named Lajos Vajda, who died in 1941. .