Young people of the village! Apply to become an agricultural worker apprentice
A1 1 Sheet (cca. 84 x 59 cm)
The effect of the Great October Socialist Revolution in Budapest
Unknown artist
A1 1 Sheet (cca. 84 x 59 cm)
Unimo fabric cleaner - It restores the original colour
Unknown artist
A1 1 Sheet (cca. 84 x 59 cm)
Mothers we work for you - A place for women in the country's leadership - Democratic Union of Hungarian Women
A1 1 Sheet (cca. 84 x 59 cm)
National Party Day - Social Democratic Party - Peace, prosperity, freedom
A1 1 Sheet (cca. 84 x 59 cm)
Long Live 1 May 1947 - The celebration of the unity of the working class
A1 1 Sheet (cca. 84 x 59 cm)