General Assembly of the World Peace Council in Budapest
Unknown artist
A1 1 Sheet (cca. 84 x 59 cm)
Accident insurance for industrial students - National Insurance Company
A1 1 Sheet (cca. 84 x 59 cm)
New herbicides for potato and corn - Take care of weed control
Unknown artist
A1 1 Sheet (cca. 84 x 59 cm)
Csemege supermarket - Call 180-000 for free home delivery
Unknown artist
A1 1 Sheet (cca. 84 x 59 cm)
Television, radio, home appliances at the stores of the Agricultural Cooperative
B2 (cca. 70 x 50 cm)
4th National Poetry Recitation Contest of the Craft Cooperatives 1963
Vilmos Czétényi
A1 1 Sheet (cca. 84 x 59 cm)
Postal codes from around the world - International exhibition at the Postal Museum Budapest
A1 1 Sheet (cca. 84 x 59 cm)
Give gifts from the Perfume shop for spring - Gardenia perfume
Unknown artist
around 1960
Double Tram poster (cca. 34 x 24 cm)
Leave Your Autumn Clean-up to the Metropolitan Cleaning Company
Unknown artist
around 1960
Double Tram poster (cca. 34 x 24 cm)
Why don't you cross the road at the designated pedestrian crossing?
Double Tram poster (cca. 34 x 24 cm)
With unity against the war inciters - The meeting of the Trade Union World Federation in Budapest
A1 1 Sheet (cca. 84 x 59 cm)
The toy train - Pleasure, game, fun - Give it as a gift - Wide selection available
A1 1 Sheet (cca. 84 x 59 cm)
Buy war bonds - Our soldiers are beating back the attack with weapons while our citizens are doing the same with money
Pre-war 2 Sheet (cca. 126 x 95 cm)
Modern healing and safe patient care require more and more blood - Hungarian Red Cross
Unknown artist
B2 (cca. 70 x 50 cm)
Applied Art Exhibition of the Prizma 13 Group - Objects for children - Kunsthalle Budapest
A1 1 Sheet (cca. 84 x 59 cm)