Food - drink - great mood, we hope your are having a great time - Vac Catering Company
B2 (cca. 70 x 50 cm)
For all occasions... Cosmetics from the Cooperative store
Unknown artist
Tram poster (cca. 24 x 17 cm)
For children, grown ups... Malto "B" - vitamin B-enriched generic formula
Unknown artist
A1 1 Sheet (cca. 84 x 59 cm)
For the anti-Imperialist solidarity - Peace and Friendship - Berlin 1973
A1 1 Sheet (cca. 84 x 59 cm)
For the sake of their health, Celofilter cigarette paper for Hungarians
A5 1/16 Sheet (cca. 21 x 15 cm)
Fosped road haulier company - Cargo taxi 330 330 - Prompt, accurate, reliable.
B2 (cca. 70 x 50 cm)
Four dancers - Olga Szentpal Dance Group - Modern Dance School performance 1930s Hungarian vintage photograph
Leicthner, Erzsébet
Vintage landscape photograph (cca. 24 x 17 cm)
French life - French graphics exhibition - Museum of Fine Arts
around 1970
A1 1 Sheet (cca. 84 x 59 cm)
French Masters from the Hermitage Museum in Leningrad at the Museum of Fine Arts Budapest
A1 1 Sheet (cca. 84 x 59 cm)
French Painters exhibition at Kunsthalle from the Montreal Expo '68
A1 1 Sheet (cca. 84 x 59 cm)
Fresh Clarity daily newspaper at noon
Filo - Ilona Ernőné Mihályfi Fischer
B2 (cca. 70 x 50 cm)
From the perfume store - sunscreen oil, sun cream, sunscreen, antiperspirant and all beach articles
Unknown artist
Double Tram poster (cca. 34 x 24 cm)
Furnish your home from the cooperative stores with an OTP Bank loan
A1 1 Sheet (cca. 84 x 59 cm)